Smide: Data Analytics for Digital Mobility Start Up
"If you start in the unknown: observe, measure and make it visible."
Swiss insurance company: doing very well but concerned about digital disruption.
Eager to better understand clients and find new business models in the proximity of insurance business → experiment with new business ideas.
Business idea: build a business with e-bikes.
When we entered the scene, the first sets of data were just available. With visual exploration of data we achieved transparency about user patterns and behaviour (also changes over time).
The visual presentation was crucial for buy in of senior management and for finally releasing the financing needed for go live.
Based on the insights of data analysis, the business model was finalized and pricing model defined.
- Smide is the first station-less e-bike rental offering worldwide
- The first free floating offer for flexible mobility
- D ONE supported in the initial phase with visual data analytics to shape the business model (e.g. package, pricing etc.)