SDS2024 - Thanks to everyone who made it possible!


Here’s one of the feedbacks we got (translated to English): “This [Leaders] track personally helps me a lot. I was already at the SDS as a Data Scientist six years ago. This track reflects my personal development - I have new challenges to master, since I am now in a managing position.”

He’s talking about the new "Leaders in Data Driven Value Creation” track that featured talks from 9 AI leaders from notable Swiss companies: Tom Walther, Dr. Christian B. Westermann, Dr. Michel Neuhaus, Johannes Maunz, Amit Jain, Fabio Torrisi, Marco Wüst, Yannick Misteli, Lukasz L.. Thank you for coming, sharing your insights, and participating in discussions! It was a joy to host you.

Further, we’d like to thank Simon Hefti who moderated the Leaders track in an engaged manner, which made the track what we hoped it’d be - a bookmark for leaders for 2025.

Additionally, a huge thanks to everyone who held a workshop with us: Philipp Thomann, Shiva Farghar, Charlotte Cabane, Moritz Haag, Lucas Brunner, Claudio Giorgio 🤖 Giancaterino, Abhishek Saxena, Nino Weingart, Dr. Heiko Kromer, Philipp Warmer, Urs Güttinger, Gabriel Levaillant, Andrei Dmitrenko, Thanos Spinoulas, Bernhard Vennemann, Carlos Parés Pulido, Meret Ringwald, Tristan Stampfler, and Mark Pfändler.

And finally, a big thank you to everyone who came. You made those two days what they were - amazing.

Thanks for your registration!

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