Primetime AI

At PRIMETIME AI we present and discuss examples of applied artificial intelligence - you will take concrete ideas with you that directly benefit your business.

You‘ll talk to users about their experiences and forge your ideas into plans with experts.

PRIMETIME AI is conducted by D ONE together with Microsoft.

Venue and Date: 18.09.2019 | Clouds Bar - Prime Tower | Maagplatz 5, 8005 Zürich

Program: 16:00 Doors open | 16:30 Welcome, introduction and 2 talks | 18:00 Apéro riche & Networking

Contact: Phone: +41 44 435 10 10 or e-Mail:

Talk 1:
Expert Know-How extraction

Expert knowledge is valuable, the time of experts is expensive and rare.

Bossard Group, one of the market leaders in fastening technology, built a “Product Solution Advisor” harnessing structured data from product catalogues, unstructured data lying around in emails and CRM entries. The combination of deep learning methods and ontologies from expert knowledge, provides expert information to direct customer facing functions.

The customer service is significantly accelerated and qualitatively improved. The freed up capacities of the experts is used for strategically important and complex projects.

Urs Güttinger, CTO, Bossard Group
Philipp Thomann, Senior Consultant, D ONE


Talk 2:
AI powered „Hawk Eye“

Gain business-relevant information from untouched sources (archives, e-mails or other document repositories) - which previously could not be made usable, or only with much effort. With the AI framework „Hawk Eye“ you can convert documents into structured, usable and valuable information.

In an exemplary case - on the basis of FINMA documents - we show how the risk and compliance departments of a bank can easily retrieve relevant information and automatically receive warning messages from reports and be informed about regulatory issues. The AI framework can be easily adapted and applied in any company to support many other use cases.

Ioanna Tzanetou, Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft
Jürgen Schwärzler, Senior Consultant D ONE


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