

Unchain your (Data-)HeartHow to Plug-in Various SDMX Data Formats into .Stat SuiteIntroduction to Semantic Models in LookerHosting Conference Workshops with JupyterHub on Google Kubernetes Engine: A Step-by-Step Guide (Part 1)Data Governance on Databricks 101Innovationsschub in Anwaltskanzleien durch Startup Herlock.aiGuide to Internet of Things Data Streaming from Raspberry Pi to AzureA Trip to the LLM ZooUnsupervised Name-Matching Introducing John to Dr. WatsonDatabricks Workspace MigrationGuide to setup a DIY Raspberry Pi-powered and Cloud-backed hamster wheel speedometerHow to Streamline Data Pipelines in Databricks with dbxSanta uses location data and so should youX-Mas: A Closer Look at StoriesA swift exploration of world literatureIngesting streaming data into AWS using Kinesis Firehose via Python SDKBuilding an end-to-end MLOps pipeline using AWS SageMakerDelivering Data Projects Successfully with DataOpsDevOps in Data: The Volcanic WaltzMachine learning for production introducing D ONEs MLOps repositoryMachine learning for production5 dos (and 1 dont) for map visualisationsLogging dbt jobs in BigQueryAutomated Testing with dbtBuilding a Data Vault using dbtvault with google BigQueryBuilding a Data Vault using dbtvault with Google BigQueryUnder The Hood: Writing Avro FilesEntity Resolution, the secret sauce to data quality & people centred AIReal-Time Tracking of Swiss Covid-19 CasesReal-Time Tracking of Swiss Covid-19 CasesD ONE is on MediumMaking NLP easyMaking NLP easyStart up Winji in der NZZHWZ Yea(h)rbook 2017 Fachbeitraginside-it 9. Mai 2018Topological sorting and the ETL process