

The future of banking with data and AI - key insights from SIX Data&AI HorizonsMoving from SAP BW to Databricks - Live from the DATA+AI Summit in San FranciscoWe're at the Data+AI Summit in San Francisco!SDS2024 - Thanks to everyone who made it possible!Key insights from UphillConf 2024Lineup for Leaders Track @ SDSTalk @ Google Data Cloud Live: AthensData Intelligence Days - introducing a Data PlatformAMLD2024 - AI + Retail InsightsHosting Conference Workshops with JupyterHub on Google Kubernetes Engine: A Step-by-Step Guide (Part 1)D ONE initiiert SwissVizGT-Conference Keynote: Thomas ZurbuchenGT-Conference Talk: Zhamak DehghaniGT-Conference Keynote: Michael JacobidesSDS2020 goes onlineAMLD 2020Primetime AIMaking NLP easyShaping the Data Age Together: SDS 2019D ONE with 3 talks at SDSTableau Conference Europe/London 3.-5. Juli 2018Strata Conference New York 11. September 2018The 6th Swiss Conference on Data ScienceSDS2018 - with D ONE