commonsense 23/01: Generative AI in three perspective

Common Sense is the platform to exchange and discuss your views and opinions on data understanding: down to earth - relevant - accessible.
Don't miss the relaunch of the fabulous COMMON SENSE event series.
September 14th, 2023 at 16:30 at the Clouds - Prime Tower in Zurich- Hardstrasse 201, 8005 Zürich
Generative AI in three perspective
Part one
Discovering the Tangible Impact of Generative AI: Unveiling Business Insights
Harnessing the power of Generative AI through ChatGPT unveils its wide-ranging capabilities, with application in business becoming a matter of timing rather than possibility. The potential annual economic impact, rivaling the GDP of the UK, underscores its significance.
Exploring data-driven value creation and the pivotal role of Generative AI. Simple use cases, like enhancing customer insights on web pages, contrast with intricate tasks such as gauging statement trustworthiness. Ignoring this potential bears a steep cost across all scenarios. See how value is generated from data and how Generative AI contributes.
Simon Hefti,
Chairman of the Board D ONE
Part two
Bridging Language and Computation: The Building Blocks of Generative AI and Large Language Models
Generative AI has taken over the world by storm. Opinions about its future range from utopian to dystopian - or maybe it is just business as usual? To cut through the noise, it’s instructive to get an understanding of the intrinsics and ramifications of these models.
We explore the step-by-step mechanics of transformers and how their outputs are used in different tasks like generation and classification. Crucially, learn about real-world Large Language Models like GPT and LLaMA and how they redefine both the value of as well as the interaction with polystructured data.
Philipp Thomann,
Managing Consultant D ONE
Part three Generative AI applied in the Legal Context – a Game Changer for Lawyers
Getting to the bottom of things in legal cases has never been easier. Herlock allows lawyers to engage in a dialogue with their case files, providing answers in natural language, establishing connections between different pieces of information, and summarizing facts.
Throughout this process, Herlock always cites the underlying sources, provides links to additional information and analyses. The timeline extracts automatically the events in a case and sorts them chronologically – a cumbersome task previously done manually. More insights in less time for lawyers and their clients.
Barbara Müry,
- 16:00
Doors open - 16:30
Welcome speech - 16:35
Discovering the Tangible Impact of Generative AI: Unveiling Business Insights, Simon Hefti - 17:00
Bridging Language and Computation: Unveiling Transformative Concepts, Philipp Thomann - 17:25 Generative AI applied in the Legal Context – a Game Changer for Lawyers, Barbara Müry - 17:45