commonsense 15/01: "Business Practitioner's Guide to Big Data" and "Data Stories"
Common Sense is the platform to exchange and discuss your views and opinions on data understanding: down to earth - relevant - accessible.
The Business Practitioner's Guide to Big Data
Big Data has been a hype for quite some time and more than 80% of executives think it is highly important or mission-critical for their organizations. Yet many struggle to put the concepts of Big Data to work in their business reality.
This is what this talk is about. Based on a framework, Simon Hefti explains how to create value from data, how to avoid common pitfalls and how to communicate about Big Data initiatives.
Some (geeky) bonus material: we have analyzed the Big Data hype using modern technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Impala and MapReduce - a sneak preview.
Dr. Simon Hefti, Chairman D ONE
Presentation, click here
Data Stories: How to get from In-Memory to In-Mind
The story about beer and diapers is an urban legend among data professionals. True or not: it is illustrative, plausible and sticks. That's what good Data Stories do: strong images help to bridge "the last mile" and allow the message to reach the minds of the target audience.
In this talk, Christian Erni explains why Data Stories and Visualizations are a strong communication form and illustrates the key elements with real-life examples to provide a step-by-step guide to powerful Data Stories.
Christian Erni, Head of Data Experience & Visualization, D ONE